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Building Materials

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Griffin Lumber and Hardware carries a wide variety of building material to assist ALL customers with any size project you may have, from the contractor building a new home to the DIY'ER with a weekend project, our trained sales staff is here to assist you in choosing the right material.

When building our inventory, we included all the typical lumber, but expanded that to include such items as long length framing lumber, engineered wood products, ground contact treated lumber and many more items that used to be considered special order.


We offer delivery to your jobsite with a truck mounted forklift to place the lumber where you need it.

Griffin Lumber, Griffin Lumber & Hardware

Featured Brands

James Hardie Siding Products
TAMKO Roofing Products
YellaWood Pressure Treated Pine
JELD-WEN Windows and Doors
Rogue Valley Door

Visit our online Product Selection Guide by Category where you can Request a Quote, visit the Project Center and Ask an Expert.  Can’t find what you are looking for? Please contact us and we will be happy to check availability. 

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